
How to GAIN FAT over the Christmas Period

I’ve been receiving a lot of emails recently from guys on my waiting list mentioning how much they’re going to put on over Christmas. Even my personal clients have been mentioning it.

I’ve seen a few different trainers explain ways to keep in shape over the Christmas period by making sure you’re drinking at least 2l of water a day, exercising, tracking food intake and saying no to foods at work (sums up a whole blog post and bburger iconoring 10 minute videos there vattering on)

But the video in here is about ways to PUT ON fat during the christmas period.

Please realise it’s sarcasm. If you take offensive then treat that as a reflection on yourself that you should probably do something about your weight, body and confidence.


Lots of love and enjoy the video https://youtu.be/6XIYFSIVa-s

  • November 29, 2016